Do you need prayer? Have an important event coming up? Have a family member sick? Need encouragement? Send us a prayer request so other parishoners of St. Joachim can pray for you.
¿Necesitas oración? ¿Se acerca un evento importante? ¿Tiene algún familiar enfermo? ¿Necesitas aliento? Envíenos una solicitud de oración para que otros feligreses de St. Joachim puedan orar por usted.
This is only for prayer requests, for Mass intentions visit or call the Rectory office (559) 673-3290.
Esto es solo para solicitudes de oración, para intenciones de misa, visite o llame a la oficina de la Rectoría (559) 673-3290
Esto es solo para solicitudes de oración, para intenciones de misa, visite o llame a la oficina de la Rectoría (559) 673-3290
Submit a prayer Request
Envie una peticion de oracion
Envie una peticion de oracion
Please Pray for the following prayer requests
"Let us pray for eachother that our Lord may give us the Grace that we need to become saints." -St. Bernadette
"Oremos los unos por los otros para que nuestro Señor nos dé la Gracia que necesitamos para convertirnos en santos". -St. Bernadette
"Oremos los unos por los otros para que nuestro Señor nos dé la Gracia que necesitamos para convertirnos en santos". -St. Bernadette
“Padre nuestro que está en los cielos, vengo delante de ti reconociendo que solo Tú eres Dios. Reconozco que eres Dios de amor, de compasión y de misericordia. Por eso, hoy te pido que te acuerdes de Maria Luisa U. Te pido, Señor, que extiendas tu mano sanadora hacia ella. Te pido Señor que quites el dolor de su cuerpo. Te pido, Señor, que confortes su alma durante estos momentos difíciles. Te pido, Señor , qué Maria Luisa sepa que Tú estás a su lado siempre.
Prayer to St. Jude for Physical Healing
St. Jude, you witnessed the healing power of our Lord Jesus. You saw His compassion for the sick and dying. You yourself touched the sick, shared the sorrows of the mournful, and encouraged the despairing. You received this authority and healing power to work wonders, to cure the incurable, to make people whole. We ask you to intercede with our brother, Jesus, to send His saving grace to heal the sickness and suffering of __________________, to uplift his/her despondent spirit, and to instill hope in his/her heart. Amen.
St. Jude, you witnessed the healing power of our Lord Jesus. You saw His compassion for the sick and dying. You yourself touched the sick, shared the sorrows of the mournful, and encouraged the despairing. You received this authority and healing power to work wonders, to cure the incurable, to make people whole. We ask you to intercede with our brother, Jesus, to send His saving grace to heal the sickness and suffering of __________________, to uplift his/her despondent spirit, and to instill hope in his/her heart. Amen.
For Lubia Amezquita
Padre, tu Palabra nos anima a acercarnos con confianza al trono de la gracia para recibir misericordia y hallar la gracia que nos ayude en el momento que más la necesitemos. Es con esa confianza que vengo ante ti en este día para presentarte a mi amiga. Ven, Espíritu Santo, y muestra tu poder en su vida. Solo tú puedes hacer un milagro en este momento. Toca su cuerpo y restaura su salud.
Adriana J.
Padre, tu Palabra nos anima a acercarnos con confianza al trono de la gracia para recibir misericordia y hallar la gracia que nos ayude en el momento que más la necesitemos. Es con esa confianza que vengo ante ti en este día para presentarte a mi amiga. Ven, Espíritu Santo, y muestra tu poder en su vida. Solo tú puedes hacer un milagro en este momento. Toca su cuerpo y restaura su salud.
Adriana J.
For Matilde G.
Heavenly Father, today full of faith I raise a prayer to ask for Matilde's health because she needs your light and your healing.
Maria V.
Heavenly Father, today full of faith I raise a prayer to ask for Matilde's health because she needs your light and your healing.
Maria V.
For Frances D.
Heavenly Father, today full of faith I raise a prayer to ask for Frances' health because she needs your light and your healing.
Elizabeth M.
Heavenly Father, today full of faith I raise a prayer to ask for Frances' health because she needs your light and your healing.
Elizabeth M.
For George T.
“O adorable Divine Child dear and sweet Baby Jesus: today we come to you with all the faith of our being, with all our love and hope, to request your presence in our home, We trust you immensely, and for the merits of your childhood and incarnation we beg you for the healing of George Grant him the favor he needs most: his health. you, beloved little boy, my divine Jesus that you are the owner of time and eternity,
that you are the owner of your life pour out your divine mercy on him. look at him with benign eyes, and with your infinite love restore his health.
Susan F.
“O adorable Divine Child dear and sweet Baby Jesus: today we come to you with all the faith of our being, with all our love and hope, to request your presence in our home, We trust you immensely, and for the merits of your childhood and incarnation we beg you for the healing of George Grant him the favor he needs most: his health. you, beloved little boy, my divine Jesus that you are the owner of time and eternity,
that you are the owner of your life pour out your divine mercy on him. look at him with benign eyes, and with your infinite love restore his health.
Susan F.
For Penelope C.
Heavenly Father, today full of faith I raise a prayer to ask for the health of all leukemia patients and especially for Penelope, because they need your light and your healing. I ask you to cure each of the sick cells of those who suffer from this disease today, may it be You breaking the chains of this illness that binds my brothers, free them and return safe and sound, all in your powerful name. Give strength to those who have courageously decided to walk the path of healing. Accompany them in their therapies, cover them with your mantle and ensure that they do not lose faith, because faith is the origin of monumental healings.
Lord, I also ask you for the families of those who suffer from this disease today. Fill them with patience, understanding and wisdom. Give them the fortitude to face this fight with their loved ones, the strength to always move forward and the wisdom to have the right word, or the right hug, all at the right time. Father of goodness, there is no disease that You cannot solve or cure, for You there are no impossible ones; That is why I ask you to give healing to all those who suffer from cancer today, accompany them in their moments of pain and remain with them, even if for some reason they lose faith. Lord, also bless with intelligence and wisdom all those who today seek a cure for this disease so that humanity can have more effective treatments. Because your love and goodness know no limits and because everyone who approaches You with faith gets a response, I thank you Lord. Thank you for the gift of health, which you give to me and those I love, and thank you that those who suffer from illness today will soon be saved. May your perfect will be done today and always.
Emily F.
Heavenly Father, today full of faith I raise a prayer to ask for the health of all leukemia patients and especially for Penelope, because they need your light and your healing. I ask you to cure each of the sick cells of those who suffer from this disease today, may it be You breaking the chains of this illness that binds my brothers, free them and return safe and sound, all in your powerful name. Give strength to those who have courageously decided to walk the path of healing. Accompany them in their therapies, cover them with your mantle and ensure that they do not lose faith, because faith is the origin of monumental healings.
Lord, I also ask you for the families of those who suffer from this disease today. Fill them with patience, understanding and wisdom. Give them the fortitude to face this fight with their loved ones, the strength to always move forward and the wisdom to have the right word, or the right hug, all at the right time. Father of goodness, there is no disease that You cannot solve or cure, for You there are no impossible ones; That is why I ask you to give healing to all those who suffer from cancer today, accompany them in their moments of pain and remain with them, even if for some reason they lose faith. Lord, also bless with intelligence and wisdom all those who today seek a cure for this disease so that humanity can have more effective treatments. Because your love and goodness know no limits and because everyone who approaches You with faith gets a response, I thank you Lord. Thank you for the gift of health, which you give to me and those I love, and thank you that those who suffer from illness today will soon be saved. May your perfect will be done today and always.
Emily F.
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, for the salvation of souls, the reparation of sins, the reunion of all Christians, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father this month.
For Breann M.
Father, your Word encourages us to approach the throne of grace with confidence to receive mercy and find grace to help us when we need it most (Hebrews 4:16). It is with that confidence that I come before you on this day to introduce you to my daughter. Come, Holy Spirit, and show your power in her life. Only you can do a miracle at this moment. She touches her body and restores her health.
My daughter who was injured at work is Breann Milam. She split her knee open and is in severe pain. Prayers are needed. Thank you!
From Angie M.
Father, your Word encourages us to approach the throne of grace with confidence to receive mercy and find grace to help us when we need it most (Hebrews 4:16). It is with that confidence that I come before you on this day to introduce you to my daughter. Come, Holy Spirit, and show your power in her life. Only you can do a miracle at this moment. She touches her body and restores her health.
My daughter who was injured at work is Breann Milam. She split her knee open and is in severe pain. Prayers are needed. Thank you!
From Angie M.
Oración de fin de año
Señor, Dios, dueño del tiempo y de la eternidad, tuyo es el hoy y el mañana, el pasado y el futuro. Al terminar este año quiero darte gracias por todo aquello que recibí de TI. Gracias por la vida y el amor, por las flores, el aire y el sol, por la alegría y el dolor, por cuanto fue posible y por lo que no pudo ser. Te ofrezco cuanto hice en este año, el trabajo que pude realizar y las cosas que pasaron por mis manos y lo que con ellas pude construir. Te presento a las personas que a lo largo de estos meses amé, las amistades nuevas y los antiguos amores, los más cercanos a mí y los que estén más lejos, los que me dieron su mano y aquellos a los que pude ayudar, con los que compartí la vida, el trabajo, el dolor y la alegría. Pero también, Señor hoy quiero pedirte perdón, perdón por el tiempo perdido, por el dinero mal gastado, por la palabra inútil y el amor desperdiciado. Perdón por las obras vacías y por el trabajo mal hecho, y perdón por vivir sin entusiasmo. También por la oración que poco a poco fui aplazando y que hasta ahora vengo a presentarte. Por todos mis olvidos, descuidos y silencios nuevamente te pido perdón. En los próximos días iniciaremos un nuevo año y detengo mi vida ante el nuevo calendario aún sin estrenar y te presento estos días que sólo TÚ sabes si llegaré a vivirlos. Hoy te pido para mí y los míos la paz y la alegría, la fuerza y la prudencia, la claridad y la sabiduría. Quiero vivir cada día con optimismo y bondad llevando a todas partes un corazón lleno de comprensión y paz. Cierra Tú mis oídos a toda falsedad y mis labios a palabras mentirosas, egoístas, mordaces o hirientes. Abre en cambio mi ser a todo lo que es bueno que mi espíritu se llene solo de bendiciones y las derrame a mi paso. Cólmame de bondad y de alegría para que, cuantos conviven conmigo o se acerquen a mí encuentren en mi vida un poquito de TI. Danos un año feliz y enséñanos a repartir felicidad .
Señor, Dios, dueño del tiempo y de la eternidad, tuyo es el hoy y el mañana, el pasado y el futuro. Al terminar este año quiero darte gracias por todo aquello que recibí de TI. Gracias por la vida y el amor, por las flores, el aire y el sol, por la alegría y el dolor, por cuanto fue posible y por lo que no pudo ser. Te ofrezco cuanto hice en este año, el trabajo que pude realizar y las cosas que pasaron por mis manos y lo que con ellas pude construir. Te presento a las personas que a lo largo de estos meses amé, las amistades nuevas y los antiguos amores, los más cercanos a mí y los que estén más lejos, los que me dieron su mano y aquellos a los que pude ayudar, con los que compartí la vida, el trabajo, el dolor y la alegría. Pero también, Señor hoy quiero pedirte perdón, perdón por el tiempo perdido, por el dinero mal gastado, por la palabra inútil y el amor desperdiciado. Perdón por las obras vacías y por el trabajo mal hecho, y perdón por vivir sin entusiasmo. También por la oración que poco a poco fui aplazando y que hasta ahora vengo a presentarte. Por todos mis olvidos, descuidos y silencios nuevamente te pido perdón. En los próximos días iniciaremos un nuevo año y detengo mi vida ante el nuevo calendario aún sin estrenar y te presento estos días que sólo TÚ sabes si llegaré a vivirlos. Hoy te pido para mí y los míos la paz y la alegría, la fuerza y la prudencia, la claridad y la sabiduría. Quiero vivir cada día con optimismo y bondad llevando a todas partes un corazón lleno de comprensión y paz. Cierra Tú mis oídos a toda falsedad y mis labios a palabras mentirosas, egoístas, mordaces o hirientes. Abre en cambio mi ser a todo lo que es bueno que mi espíritu se llene solo de bendiciones y las derrame a mi paso. Cólmame de bondad y de alegría para que, cuantos conviven conmigo o se acerquen a mí encuentren en mi vida un poquito de TI. Danos un año feliz y enséñanos a repartir felicidad .
End of the year prayer
Lord, God, owner of time and eternity, yours is today and tomorrow, the past and the future. At the end of this year I want to thank you for everything I received from YOU. Thank you for life and love, for flowers, air and sun, for joy and pain, for everything that was possible and for what could not be. I offer you everything I did this year, the work I was able to do and the things that passed through my hands and what I was able to build with them. I present to you the people that I loved throughout these months, the new friends and the old loves, those closest to me and those who are further away, those who gave me their hand and those whom I was able to help, with the that I shared life, work, pain and joy. But also, Lord, today I want to ask your forgiveness, forgiveness for the time wasted, for the money wasted, for the useless word and the wasted love. Sorry for empty works and for work poorly done, and sorry for living without enthusiasm. Also for the prayer that little by little I was putting off and that until now I come to present to you. For all my forgetfulness, carelessness and silence, I once again ask your forgiveness. In the next few days we will start a new year and I stop my life before the new calendar that has not yet been released and I present to you these days that only YOU know if I will get to live them. Today I ask you for peace and joy, strength and prudence, clarity and wisdom for me and mine.
I want to live each day with optimism and kindness, carrying everywhere a heart full of understanding and peace. You close my ears to all falsehood and my lips to lying, selfish, biting or hurtful words. Instead, open my being to everything that is good so that my spirit is filled with only blessings and pours them out as I pass. Fill me with goodness and joy so that those who live with me or come close to me find a little bit of YOU in my life. Give us a happy year and teach us to spread happiness.
Lord, God, owner of time and eternity, yours is today and tomorrow, the past and the future. At the end of this year I want to thank you for everything I received from YOU. Thank you for life and love, for flowers, air and sun, for joy and pain, for everything that was possible and for what could not be. I offer you everything I did this year, the work I was able to do and the things that passed through my hands and what I was able to build with them. I present to you the people that I loved throughout these months, the new friends and the old loves, those closest to me and those who are further away, those who gave me their hand and those whom I was able to help, with the that I shared life, work, pain and joy. But also, Lord, today I want to ask your forgiveness, forgiveness for the time wasted, for the money wasted, for the useless word and the wasted love. Sorry for empty works and for work poorly done, and sorry for living without enthusiasm. Also for the prayer that little by little I was putting off and that until now I come to present to you. For all my forgetfulness, carelessness and silence, I once again ask your forgiveness. In the next few days we will start a new year and I stop my life before the new calendar that has not yet been released and I present to you these days that only YOU know if I will get to live them. Today I ask you for peace and joy, strength and prudence, clarity and wisdom for me and mine.
I want to live each day with optimism and kindness, carrying everywhere a heart full of understanding and peace. You close my ears to all falsehood and my lips to lying, selfish, biting or hurtful words. Instead, open my being to everything that is good so that my spirit is filled with only blessings and pours them out as I pass. Fill me with goodness and joy so that those who live with me or come close to me find a little bit of YOU in my life. Give us a happy year and teach us to spread happiness.
For Mila L.
My God, help this mother go through this pain for the loss of her baby, help her live the days and make the night pass quickly. Hold her when she can't do anything but cry. She increases her faith so that she can see her son living next to you. Help her when her sadness makes her indifferent and she doesn't feel like doing anything. Lord take comfort from her and strength from her.
Catherine W.
My God, help this mother go through this pain for the loss of her baby, help her live the days and make the night pass quickly. Hold her when she can't do anything but cry. She increases her faith so that she can see her son living next to you. Help her when her sadness makes her indifferent and she doesn't feel like doing anything. Lord take comfort from her and strength from her.
Catherine W.
For David P. C.
Antonia M. And David P C. Forever Soulmates And Forever Inside Lord Jesus Christ's Heart We Love Each Other Forever Amen.
Antonia M.
Antonia M. And David P C. Forever Soulmates And Forever Inside Lord Jesus Christ's Heart We Love Each Other Forever Amen.
Antonia M.
For Rebeca C.
Requesting prayers for my wife's forgiveness as we navigate a difficult time in our marriage.
Christopher C.
Requesting prayers for my wife's forgiveness as we navigate a difficult time in our marriage.
Christopher C.
For Ana G.
For my mom for her arm to be healed, she's not in pain. For her blood pressure to be normal.
For my sister to be healed of any potential illness and her tumor not be cancerous.
For my daughters to be emotionally, spiritually healed from any and all traumas, resentments, anger, or pains they have in their heart and souls, for them to be able to forgive.
For my husband to be able to be on the right path, make healthy decisions for him and our family. For him to be able to prioritize and commit to our marriage. Remove all temptations from him.
For all our family needs.
For my mom for her arm to be healed, she's not in pain. For her blood pressure to be normal.
For my sister to be healed of any potential illness and her tumor not be cancerous.
For my daughters to be emotionally, spiritually healed from any and all traumas, resentments, anger, or pains they have in their heart and souls, for them to be able to forgive.
For my husband to be able to be on the right path, make healthy decisions for him and our family. For him to be able to prioritize and commit to our marriage. Remove all temptations from him.
For all our family needs.
For Griselda P.
Strength courage , wisdom , to no longer live in fear and heal from physical emotional trauma to move forward with life without a past abuser and to forgive he who needs it
Strength courage , wisdom , to no longer live in fear and heal from physical emotional trauma to move forward with life without a past abuser and to forgive he who needs it
For Bertha Plascencia
Padre, tu Palabra nos anima a acercarnos con confianza al trono de la gracia para recibir misericordia y hallar la gracia que nos ayude en el momento que más la necesitemos (Hebreos 4:16). Es con esa confianza que vengo ante ti en este día para presentarte a Bertha P. Ven, Espíritu Santo, y muestra tu poder en su vida. Solo tú puedes hacer un milagro en este momento. Toca su cuerpo y restaura su salud.Te pido también que le des sabiduría a los médicos para que logren encontrar un tratamiento eficaz. Es una situación delicada, pero tú tienes el control y la última palabra. Nuestro deseo es verte obrar de forma poderosa, restaurando la salud de Bertha P. Tú puedes hacerlo ahora mismo y también puedes usar a los médicos. ¡En ti confiamos para su sanidad física!
Gracias porque podemos traer nuestras peticiones ante ti, confiando en tu amor, en tu poder y en tu fidelidad en todo momento, Señor. En el nombre de Jesús,
-Adriana M.
Padre, tu Palabra nos anima a acercarnos con confianza al trono de la gracia para recibir misericordia y hallar la gracia que nos ayude en el momento que más la necesitemos (Hebreos 4:16). Es con esa confianza que vengo ante ti en este día para presentarte a Bertha P. Ven, Espíritu Santo, y muestra tu poder en su vida. Solo tú puedes hacer un milagro en este momento. Toca su cuerpo y restaura su salud.Te pido también que le des sabiduría a los médicos para que logren encontrar un tratamiento eficaz. Es una situación delicada, pero tú tienes el control y la última palabra. Nuestro deseo es verte obrar de forma poderosa, restaurando la salud de Bertha P. Tú puedes hacerlo ahora mismo y también puedes usar a los médicos. ¡En ti confiamos para su sanidad física!
Gracias porque podemos traer nuestras peticiones ante ti, confiando en tu amor, en tu poder y en tu fidelidad en todo momento, Señor. En el nombre de Jesús,
-Adriana M.
For all the kids of this world
Lord, I pray for all the kids of this world. Please keep them safe.
-Beatriz R.
Lord, I pray for all the kids of this world. Please keep them safe.
-Beatriz R.
For Audrey I.
Lord, we humbly ask that you turn this weakness into a viable strength, suffering into compassion, sadness into joy, and pain into comfort for others. May they be filled with patience and joy in Your presence as they wait for Your healing touch. Please, Lord, restore your servant Audrey to full health.
Lord, we humbly ask that you turn this weakness into a viable strength, suffering into compassion, sadness into joy, and pain into comfort for others. May they be filled with patience and joy in Your presence as they wait for Your healing touch. Please, Lord, restore your servant Audrey to full health.
For Edgard A.
Please pray for Edgard A. who is missing. He was last seen on 9/28/2023. Today I cry out to you for the person who is missing. I pray that as we seek him, O Lord, that your light guide us wherever he is.
Please pray for Edgard A. who is missing. He was last seen on 9/28/2023. Today I cry out to you for the person who is missing. I pray that as we seek him, O Lord, that your light guide us wherever he is.
For Edgard A.
Please pray for Edgard A. who is missing. He was last seen on 9/28/2023. Please pray for his safe return to his family.
Please pray for Edgard A. who is missing. He was last seen on 9/28/2023. Please pray for his safe return to his family.
For Betty S.
Almighty God!, Lord of humanity: remove difficulties, and free the sick from their evils. Relieve their sufferings and heal them, for you are the Healer. There is no cure, but through you. Help us to stand firm and make our faith well established.
-St. Joachim Church
Almighty God!, Lord of humanity: remove difficulties, and free the sick from their evils. Relieve their sufferings and heal them, for you are the Healer. There is no cure, but through you. Help us to stand firm and make our faith well established.
-St. Joachim Church
For Family P.
I am asking praying for the following things: For us to be able to make the best decisions when it comes to the storm that is coming regarding this separation. That things will happen for the best of this family. That we can get through this in a peaceful, respectful, loving and deserving way. We pray for N, to receive God in his heart, mind, body and soul again and open his eyes to see what is really the best for him and his family. For our family to heal and get better and stronger and closer to the Lord. For all of us to reach a true forgiveness with each other.
-Claudia P.
I am asking praying for the following things: For us to be able to make the best decisions when it comes to the storm that is coming regarding this separation. That things will happen for the best of this family. That we can get through this in a peaceful, respectful, loving and deserving way. We pray for N, to receive God in his heart, mind, body and soul again and open his eyes to see what is really the best for him and his family. For our family to heal and get better and stronger and closer to the Lord. For all of us to reach a true forgiveness with each other.
-Claudia P.
For Antonio J. G
Padre amoroso, toca con tus manos sanadoras sobre Antonio, cubrelo con la preciosisima sangre de tu hijo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo desde la punta de su cabeza hasta la planta de sus pies.
Padre amoroso, toca con tus manos sanadoras sobre Antonio, cubrelo con la preciosisima sangre de tu hijo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo desde la punta de su cabeza hasta la planta de sus pies.
For Issac A.
For Hear the prayers that we address to you for the health of your sick servant, for whom we implore the help of your mercy, so that after recovering his health he will give you thanks. By our Lord and Redeemer, our divine Healer.
-Angel T.
For Hear the prayers that we address to you for the health of your sick servant, for whom we implore the help of your mercy, so that after recovering his health he will give you thanks. By our Lord and Redeemer, our divine Healer.
-Angel T.
For Betty T. and Dario Alberto
For their souls.
-Angel T.
For their souls.
-Angel T.
For Our brothers and sisters in Pakistan
God, please hear the cry of your faithful children in Pakistan whose houses are destroyed and churches are burnt down and lives threatened by the Pakistani Muslim jihadis, and in Armenia (Nagorno-Karabakh) who are facing blockade and holodomor from Azerbaijan and Turkish governments. Protect them and strengthen their faith to persevere in You, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
-S. Brown
God, please hear the cry of your faithful children in Pakistan whose houses are destroyed and churches are burnt down and lives threatened by the Pakistani Muslim jihadis, and in Armenia (Nagorno-Karabakh) who are facing blockade and holodomor from Azerbaijan and Turkish governments. Protect them and strengthen their faith to persevere in You, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
-S. Brown
For Samuel
Prayers for him and his family to be strong during this time of loss.
- Rectory Staff
Prayers for him and his family to be strong during this time of loss.
- Rectory Staff
For Tracy O
May I kindly ask prayers from the church from all my brothers and sisters for my wife. The world should know that we lost one of the good ones.
-Tom O
May I kindly ask prayers from the church from all my brothers and sisters for my wife. The world should know that we lost one of the good ones.
-Tom O
For David V
Please pray for the repose of the soul of David V.. God bless you forever!
- Joanne V.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of David V.. God bless you forever!
- Joanne V.
For Jaclyn I
Pray for strengthen relationship with Jesus. Safe travels and health. For a happy successful life. In Jesus name. Amen
- Lucy C.
Pray for strengthen relationship with Jesus. Safe travels and health. For a happy successful life. In Jesus name. Amen
- Lucy C.
For Damianus A.
God, You always know what has happened because You see everything in the most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch Damianus A. C. heart for me.
-Jose A
God, You always know what has happened because You see everything in the most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch Damianus A. C. heart for me.
-Jose A
For Adrian C.
Por su 21 años de aniversario de fallecido el 9 de Agosto. Que su alma descanse en paz.
-Roselia C.
Por su 21 años de aniversario de fallecido el 9 de Agosto. Que su alma descanse en paz.
-Roselia C.
For Alyssa
for her conversion.
For Karina
Please pray for her health.
for her conversion.
For Karina
Please pray for her health.
For Carlos R.
Please pray for his health.
Please pray for his health.
For Joan
Please pray for the swift and complete healing of Joan G. from her many illnesses.
Please pray for the swift and complete healing of Joan G. from her many illnesses.
For Andrea Emilia B., for the Cáceres family and for me,
For the liberation from all evil spirits, be it of mind, spirit, or body. For the healing, liberation and needs of the genealogical trees of the Cáceres, Rios, Alonso, SantaCruz families and for the eternal rest of their deceased. Thank you very much and may the Lord bless you!
- Gustavo C.
For the liberation from all evil spirits, be it of mind, spirit, or body. For the healing, liberation and needs of the genealogical trees of the Cáceres, Rios, Alonso, SantaCruz families and for the eternal rest of their deceased. Thank you very much and may the Lord bless you!
- Gustavo C.
For Gilbert G.
Pray for my dad's health and healing. In the name of Jesus
-Monique D
Pray for my dad's health and healing. In the name of Jesus
-Monique D
For Dr. Tricia B.
Please pray for the health and healing of Tricia. Our prayers are with you
-Maria V.
Please pray for the health and healing of Tricia. Our prayers are with you
-Maria V.
For Karina G
Please pray for the health and healing of Karina.
-Aunt Carmen C.
Please pray for the health and healing of Karina.
-Aunt Carmen C.
For Michael G
Please pray for the health and healing of cancer for Michael J. G.i. Please ask Jesus the divine physician to bring healing and guidance to the doctors so that he will be cured from this dreadful disease. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Please pray for the health and healing of cancer for Michael J. G.i. Please ask Jesus the divine physician to bring healing and guidance to the doctors so that he will be cured from this dreadful disease. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
For Damianus A. C.
God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch Damianus' heart for me.
-Josephin A.
God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch Damianus' heart for me.
-Josephin A.
For Dr. Tricia B.
Please pray for Tricia to recover from Stage III Cancer. Pray for her family to keep strong in faith
Please pray for Tricia to recover from Stage III Cancer. Pray for her family to keep strong in faith
For Johnny D
Please pray for his health and strength. For his family and friends to be there to support him in this time of need.
Please pray for his health and strength. For his family and friends to be there to support him in this time of need.
Por Jose L
Sana señor todo sentimiento de culpabilidad
Sana señor todo sentimiento de culpabilidad
He works for the prison system & I ask that the blood of Jesus cover him as he goes to work each day to protect from the evil & wickedness that is brought in by ppl who are lost or who practice voodoo & witchcraft. I ask that God shield him from the demonic strongholds of violence & perversion that seems to be prevalent there.
He works for the prison system & I ask that the blood of Jesus cover him as he goes to work each day to protect from the evil & wickedness that is brought in by ppl who are lost or who practice voodoo & witchcraft. I ask that God shield him from the demonic strongholds of violence & perversion that seems to be prevalent there.
For Gracie L.
Please pray for my coworker, recently diagnosed with Liver cancer Metastasized to other organs, let's pray that her body would tolerate treatment, and for her to stay strong in faith.
-Olivia T
Please pray for my coworker, recently diagnosed with Liver cancer Metastasized to other organs, let's pray that her body would tolerate treatment, and for her to stay strong in faith.
-Olivia T
For Gracie L.
Prayers for healing fighting cancer
-Leticia M
Prayers for healing fighting cancer
-Leticia M
For my Aunt Adela G. to receive a lot of Healing and Love form the soon to be passing of her Mother Junita. May god Lift her up with all his Angels, give her strength, and lots of love Amen
-Rocio S
-Rocio S
Pido oraciones en memoria de mi abuela Maria Del Refugio González Aguirre. Concédele señor el descanso eterno y que brille para ella la luz perpetua, que descanse en paz. A si sea!
-Leslie U
-Leslie U
Please pray for my Grandma Juanita M. she is in her "last days or hours of life". Jesus of Nazareth I ask that my Abuelita have a very (peaceful death). Full of Angles flying all over her room. Thank you for the (89 Years) of life that you Gave to her.
-Melissa S.
-Melissa S.
Please pray for my health I have connective tissue disease I would greatly appreciate it.
-Mario L
-Mario L
I beg you to please keep my Mami in your prayers as she had HUNTINGTONS DESEADE and now has fevers and congestion and other complications. I pray for GOD TO TAKE HER PAIN AWAY.
-Odelia M
-Odelia M
Please pray for my home it needs many repairs and is causing me to have anxiety and worry. Please pray for me. That I will have the financial funds to take care of all these repairs and I can wake up with this worry gone. I am consumed with overwhelming heaviness of worry. Thank you & God Bless
-Olivia C
-Olivia C
For Susana Anahi
She needs prayers for her recovery.
She needs prayers for her recovery.
For L.J.
Thank you God for the recent blessings bestowed upon L.J. Let NO weapons formed against him prosper. Praying Gods protection, mental, physical, spiritual & emotional well being & Gods presence surrounds L.J. daily. In Jesus name, Amen!
Thank you God for the recent blessings bestowed upon L.J. Let NO weapons formed against him prosper. Praying Gods protection, mental, physical, spiritual & emotional well being & Gods presence surrounds L.J. daily. In Jesus name, Amen!
Pray all caught in sin will repent and return to the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom before judgement falls on America. God has a problem with our continued unacknowledged and unrepentant sins. Repent and turn back to God and he will forgive and set you free! In Jesus Name Amen
-Angela H.
-Angela H.
For Raymond F.
Please pray for his health.
Please pray for his health.
For Sarah C.
Please pray for Sarah C. For the healing of her knee, that she will only need physical therapy. For her complete healing. God knows what He want to do for her. Praise God!!!
-Joanne V
Please pray for Sarah C. For the healing of her knee, that she will only need physical therapy. For her complete healing. God knows what He want to do for her. Praise God!!!
-Joanne V
Para Alexa G
Mi hija siente miedo ala muerte y a ser separada de nosotros sus padres. Espero que sus oraciones le ayuden a que esos pensamientos desaparezcan.
- Carmen C
Mi hija siente miedo ala muerte y a ser separada de nosotros sus padres. Espero que sus oraciones le ayuden a que esos pensamientos desaparezcan.
- Carmen C
Para Danitza C
Ella tiene depresión y ansiedad y últimamente se está poniendo rebelde. No le gusta ir ala iglesia.
- Carmen C
Ella tiene depresión y ansiedad y últimamente se está poniendo rebelde. No le gusta ir ala iglesia.
- Carmen C
For Andres V
Please pray for Andres V. that his medicine will help his bronchitis go away. God bless you!.
- Joanne V
Please pray for Andres V. that his medicine will help his bronchitis go away. God bless you!.
- Joanne V
For Sam T
Please pray for Sam T., our friend and neighbor. He is fighting for his life right now and desperately needs healing prayers.
- Shirley B
Please pray for Sam T., our friend and neighbor. He is fighting for his life right now and desperately needs healing prayers.
- Shirley B
For John H
He is ill. Pray for health.
- Jocelyne F
He is ill. Pray for health.
- Jocelyne F
For Geronimo V
Since Sep. 2022 my dad has had a headache that does not go away, day and night. Not even with medicine. He went to the doctors, they don't find anything . He's lost a lot of weight and is weak. scary for us the family to see him going through this. Please God Heal him In the name of Jesus I pray Amen.
- Gracie V
Since Sep. 2022 my dad has had a headache that does not go away, day and night. Not even with medicine. He went to the doctors, they don't find anything . He's lost a lot of weight and is weak. scary for us the family to see him going through this. Please God Heal him In the name of Jesus I pray Amen.
- Gracie V
For John A Sr.
For his health and for him to remain in good spirits.
- Daughter
For his health and for him to remain in good spirits.
- Daughter
For Guadalupe C.
For her health and strength.
- Martinez Family
For her health and strength.
- Martinez Family
For the following souls in purgatory
Please pray for Anneliese G
For my Nieces or nephews who were aborted. I only know of 1. But don't know if there were more children aborted by the pill or other ..
For my sisters Sabrina and Janine for conviction healing repentance conversion to Church and to be baptized .
My parents Michael and Sylvia for conviction healing repentance conversion to Church.
For my dad Michael and uncle Danny for healing and unity and forgiveness.
For healing and re/uniting of my parents if Gods will and be married in Catholic Church .
Or for them to remarry a Holy spouses in Church.
For my husbands family for conviction healing repentance deeper conversion to Church.
For our little family for good health and continued conversion of our hearts .
- Anna G.
Please pray for Anneliese G
For my Nieces or nephews who were aborted. I only know of 1. But don't know if there were more children aborted by the pill or other ..
For my sisters Sabrina and Janine for conviction healing repentance conversion to Church and to be baptized .
My parents Michael and Sylvia for conviction healing repentance conversion to Church.
For my dad Michael and uncle Danny for healing and unity and forgiveness.
For healing and re/uniting of my parents if Gods will and be married in Catholic Church .
Or for them to remarry a Holy spouses in Church.
For my husbands family for conviction healing repentance deeper conversion to Church.
For our little family for good health and continued conversion of our hearts .
- Anna G.
For the following souls in purgatory
Please pray for Souls we pray are in Purgatory -
Ana M., Angel + brother, Bobs friend we gave ride to, Billy S., Opa, Oma, Fran P., Johnny and Benny T., Rose G, David M., Rito, Rachel and Sophia, Miguel F (husband)
- Anna G.
Please pray for Souls we pray are in Purgatory -
Ana M., Angel + brother, Bobs friend we gave ride to, Billy S., Opa, Oma, Fran P., Johnny and Benny T., Rose G, David M., Rito, Rachel and Sophia, Miguel F (husband)
- Anna G.
For Francisco F
Please pray for my father in law who passed away.
- Bertha F.
Please pray for my father in law who passed away.
- Bertha F.
Please pray for me to be blessed with good friends. .I'm lonely
For Andres V
Please pray for all people who are having surgery, that it comes out well, and for the Surgeons, that God guides their hands.
-Joanne V.
Please pray for all people who are having surgery, that it comes out well, and for the Surgeons, that God guides their hands.
-Joanne V.